Register for the Clerk’s ‘Tie the Knot’ Community Wedding Event on Valentine’s Day! [Click here for more information]

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Look Up Ticket

Ticket record cannot be found

If you received a ticket (citation) recently and cannot find it in our online system, please be patient. The Hillsborough Clerk of Court receives tickets from several different law enforcement agencies. It can take several days for the law enforcement agency to transmit their tickets to us so that we can process them into our system. Please search again in a few days. Also, please check your citation to be sure that the ticket you have was issued in Hillsborough County. If it says a county different than Hillsborough, you will need to contact the clerk's office for that county. If your ticket is a parking ticket, and it was issued by the City of Tampa, you will need to contact the Tampa Parking Division regarding their parking ticket payments and queries.

IMAGE Location of County Ticket was Issued In