The Clerk’s Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. Staff will be available to assist you with filing for a restraining order from 7am until 10am at the Edgecomb Courthouse located at 800 E. Twiggs St. Tampa.

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County Financial Reports

DOCUMENT ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT from CLERK LEGAL: Due to the nature of the content, the requirement to provide accurate content, adhering to State form requirements, and an unreasonably high financial cost, the Clerk is constrained from making some reports conform with ADA compliance standards on our website. However, the Clerk’s Office is prepared to make accommodations to provide the content in a different suitable alternative format or manner upon request. If you require an accommodation to access any of these reports, please contact the County Finance Director at (813) 307-7026 or

Hillsborough County, Florida Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs)

2023202220212020201920182017201620152014. 2013201220112010 

Hillsborough County, Florida Financial Summary Report (PAFR)

Public Utilities Department Water Enterprise Fund Annual Financial Reports

20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013, 20122011 

Public Utilities Department Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Annual Financial Reports


Annual Local Government Financial Reports for Hillsborough County, Florida

Hillsborough County, Florida Federal and State Single Audit Reports

Hillsborough County, Florida Continuing Disclosure Reports

Hillsborough County, Florida Annual Credit and Debt Reports

Hillsborough County, Florida County-Funded Court-Related Expenditures Reports