Bail Bond Agent Registration
Change Contact Information
Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address form
Request to be Excused from Email Service for Party not Represented by Attorney Form 2.601
Designation of E-mail Address for a Party not Represented by an Attorney Form 2.602
Notice of Change of Mailling Address or Designated E-mail Address Form 2.603
Child Support
Request for Drivers License Suspension
Use this form if your case is not handled by the Department of Revenue and the Non Custodial Parent is more than 15 days behind on their payments. |
Affidavit to Participate in the Central Depository Program If your final judgment order payments to be paid directly to you, you may use this form to request that payments be sent through the Central Governmental Depository. |
Request for Direct Deposit
(Must be accompanied by a voided check) Use this form if your case is not handled by the Department of Revenue and you wish to have your child support payments direct deposited. |
Stop Payment Form |
Payment History Overview
This document will help you understand a Central Governmental Depository (CGD) Payment History. |
Income Deduction Order: see below for the Motion for Income Withholding Order (IWO) - formerly Income Deduction Order (Packet 43)
Attachment A |
Modify Child Support (Packet 3) [External website download link]
Answer to Supplemental Petition to Modify Child Support of Modify Parenting Plan/Time-Sharing Schedule (Packet 4) [External website download link]
Petition for Child Support Unconnected with Dissolution of Marriage (Packet 5) [External website download link]
Blank Motion (Packet 6) [External website download link]
Motion for Payment Credit - Both Parties Agree (Packet 7) [External website download link]
Petition to Contest Driver's License Suspension (Packet 8) [External website download link]
Motion to Contest Notice of Delinquency and Impending Judgment (Packet 9) [External website download link]
Contempt (Packet 10) [External website download link]
Petition for Superseding Child Support Order Without Timesharing (Packet 40) [External website download link]
Petition for Superseding Child Support Order With Timesharing (Packet 41) [External website download link] |
Motion for Income Withholding Order (IWO) - formerly Income Deduction Order (Packet 43) [External website download link]
Clerk Event Participation
Circuit Civil
Exhibit List (form only)
Real Property Fraud - Complaint to Quiet Title 1.925
Quit Claim Deed (statutory form) - see Chapter 2023-238, Laws of Florida, which creates section 689.025, Florida Statutes, to provide a quit claim deed form for use when conveying property. Disclaimer - Use This Form at Your Own Risk. The Clerk’s Office cannot render legal advice and is not rendering legal advice by referencing this statutorily created form. Every property transaction is different and whether a quitclaim deed is the document needed for your property transaction is something you need to determine for yourself or with the help of an attorney. There is no guarantee that a quitclaim deed is the right instrument for what you are trying to accomplish. Please note that the Clerk’s Office is not liable for any negative consequences resulting from the use of the quit claim deed in section 689.025, Florida Statutes. You are urged to seek legal counsel for any assistance necessary in conveying real property. Deputy clerks are not authorized to provide any legal advice and the Hillsborough County Clerk’s Office makes no representation that this form is adequate for your specific needs. |
Value of Real Property or Mortgage Foreclosure Claim
You must fill out and submit this form with each new action. |
County Civil / Evictions
County Civil / Miscellaneous
County Civil / Small Claims
Domestic Partnership Registry
DH513 This form is required when filing a Dissolution of Marriage case. |
Request for Division Assignment |
ePortal Law Firm Registration Form This form is required when requesting a Law Firm Administrator account in the ePortal. |
Request for Issuance of Summons |
Expungement and Sealing
These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for the sealing and expungement of court records. If the form you are seeking is not in this list, you may seek legal advice or visit the Law Library and staff can assist you with resources to research form templates so you can create the form you need.
FDLE Application for Certification of Eligibility (Adult and Juvenile)[external 3rd party website]
FDLE Application for Juvenile Diversion Expunction [external 3rd party website]
Petition to Seal or Expunge Packet Complete this packet after you receive your Certificate of Eligibility from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Family Law
Felony / Circuit Criminal
FDLE Application for Certification of Eligibility (Adult) [external 3rd party website]
Petition to Seal or Expunge Packet
Health, Education, and Life Planning (HELP)
Hillsborough County and City of Tampa Health, Education and Life Planning (HELP) Affidavit for two people
Hillsborough County and City of Tampa Amendment of Domestic Partnership or Health, Education & Life Planning (HELP) Affidavit
Hillsborough County and City of Tampa Termination of a Designated Support Person on Health, Education and Life Planning (HELP) Affidavit
Home Solicitation
Indigency Screening Application
Civil Indigent Application [Florida Courts external document link]
Criminal Indigent Application [Florida Courts external document link]
Injunctions for Protection / Domestic Violence / Vulnerable Adult
Jury Duty
Marriage License
How to Obtain a Marriage License
Family Law Handbook
Family Law Handbook in Spanish
Premarital Course Provider Instructions & Affidavit
The Marriage License Application is no longer available as a download form; marriage license applications are made in person at the Clerk's Office using our application kiosks.
Premarital Course Provider List
Mental Health
Subject-Ward Information Sheet – Incapacity or Suggestion Case
Petition and Affidavit for Involuntary Treatment Services (Marchman Act form)
Petition and Affidavit Seeking Ex Parte Order Requiring Involuntary Examination (Baker Act form) [external link]
Relief from Firearm Purchase Disqualification Packet
Risk Protection Order forms [external link]
Motion For / To
Notice of Confidential Information within Court Filling
Complete and submit this form to notify the Clerk of confidential information being filed in the court file pursuant to Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.420(d).
Complete and submit this form to notify the Clerk of confidential crime victim information being filed or has been filed in the court file pursuant to Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.423
For information regarding ensuring the confidentiality of your protected information in the Official Records, Court Records, Hillsborough County Property Appraiser, Hillsborough County Tax Collector, and general web searches, refer to the Public Records Exempt Personal Information form.
Owner's Claim for Mortgage Foreclosure Surplus
Official Records / Recording
Declaration of Domicile
Private Numbers Internet Redaction Form
Recording Transmittal Form
Request to Release Redacted Information on Recorded Documents
Request for Removal of Military Separation Document from Official Records of Hillsborough County
Subscription Agreement for Electronic Access to Official Records
You might want to also check the Request to Withhold Personal Information forms section below. The Clerk does not provide every possible form that you might need. If the form you are seeking is not in this list, you may seek legal advice or visit the Law Library and staff can assist you with resources to research form templates so you can create the form you need.
Registry Funds
Request Copies of Court Documents
Request a traffic court date
Wireless Communication Proof of Purchase Form to be used for tickets written under Florida Statute 316.306(4)(b) [external 3rd party link]
Wireless Communications Device Driving Safety School Election Affidavit
Value Adjustment Board (VAB)
12 Rules of Courtroom Civility