Circuit Criminal
The Felony Department of the Clerk's office is responsible for filing, processing, and maintaining records for the court system related to felony offenses. A felony is the most serious type of crime. According to federal law, for an offense to be a felony it must have a possible sentence in excess of one year. Punishment can range from incarceration in a correctional facility to the death penalty. Examples of felony offenses include drug-related crimes, murder, sex-related crimes, armed robbery, and other types of violent crime.
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- Designation of Current Mailing and Email Address Form
- Request to be excused from Email Service for Party not Represented by Attorney Form 2.601
- Designation of Email Address for a party not represented by an Attorney Form 2.602
- Notice of Change of Mailing Address or Designated Email Address Form 2.603
- Preorder Case Files