Foreclosure Sales
Pursuant to the directives provided in the Administrative Order Circuit Civil Division [external third party link], all proposed Uniform Final Judgments of Foreclosure and proposed Orders to Reschedule Judicial Sales must be electronically filed with the court through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal.
Plaintiffs should no longer file proposed Certificates of Sale, Certificates of Title, or Certificates of Disbursement nor pre-addressed envelopes with the Clerk. The Clerk’s Office will generate these documents and serve them upon the parties and counsel in compliance with Florida Law. These changes are in support of the court system’s desire to operate in a paperless environment.
In addition to the above changes, if the plaintiff fails to pay the Clerk's judicial sale fee in accordance with sections 45.035(1) and 45.035(3), Florida Statutes, no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the scheduled sale, the Clerk will cancel the judicial sale.
The Clerk's Office is responsible for conducting foreclosure sales in accordance with Florida Statute 45 [external third party link].
A $70 service charge shall be assessed as costs and paid when filing for an electronic sale date, pursuant to Florida Statute 45.035(3) and Administrative Order Circuit Civil Division [external third party link]. Pursuant to Administrative Order Circuit Civil Division [external third party link], the most current Uniform Final Judgment form must be used.
The $70 service charge established pursuant to Florida Statute 45.035(1) [external third party link] will continue to be assessed and paid for by the plaintiff on the day of the judicial sale. Failure to pay any judicial sale fee by 8:00 AM on the day of the sale will result in the cancellation of the scheduled sale.