Hills Clerk Seal





Circuit Civil

The Circuit Civil jurisdiction is for amounts over $30,000. Examples of cases handled by Circuit Civil are Mortgage Foreclosure, Other Real Property, Lien Foreclosure, Medical and Professional Malpractice, Auto Negligence, Contract and Indebtedness, Personal injury, and Eminent Domain.
How do I view a Circuit Civil Court File?

Electronic viewing of many court records, indexes and dockets as well as non-confidential document images is currently available on our Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) site, as authorized by the Florida Supreme Court. Pursuant to Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, access to all electronic and other court records shall be governed by the Standards for Access to Electronic Court Records and Access Security Matrix
If you are authorized under Florida Rules of Judicial Administration to view a court file but are unable to view it online and/or you need a copy, you may view or pick up a copy of the file at our Tampa Edgecomb or Plant City locations. To allow adequate time for redaction processing, it may take four business days for your file to be available for on-site viewing and/or pick-up. We suggest that you pre-order the file for onsite viewing or pick-up by completing the Order Form for Circuit Civil Files

Where can I locate a quiet title complaint if I am the victim of real property fraud?
Real Property Fraud - Complaint to Quiet Title 1.925
Disclaimer: Form 1.925 is a form published by the Florida Supreme Court for use in actions under Section 65.091, Florida Statutes. There are no instructions that accompany this Florida Supreme Court form. Deputy Clerks are not authorized
to provide legal advice. You may want to consider seeking advice from legal counsel before using this form to make sure it addresses your needs.
What is the Complex Business Litigation Division?
The Complex Business Litigation Division (CBLD) was established on January 22, 2007. Circuit Civil Division “L” was designated to hear cases that meet the qualifications based on Administrative Order S-2013-021.
Download the Circuit Civil Cover Sheet and CBLD Addendum.
How do I submit Trial Exhibits?

Pursuant to the Pre-Trial Conference Order and Administrative Order, all exhibits must be e-filed prior to the start of the trial. The Trial Exhibits Memorandum provides information on filing your trial exhibits. In addition, an exhibit list of all exhibits must be completed.


List exhibits numerically, not alphabetically

Make sure the number on the exhibits match those on the exhibits list.

Please have a copy of the exhibits list for the court and the court clerk.

All exhibits and exhibit lists are to be taken to the courtroom by the attorney the day of the trial, unless otherwise ordered by the Judge.

NOTE: Please ensure all exhibits are numbered, in order and the Exhibit List is completed prior to the beginning of court.  You must prepare one set of exhibit binders for the court, one set of exhibit binders for the witnesses and one set of exhibit binders for the clerk.
How do I serve civil summons, subpoenas and documents? 
You can find out how to serve civil process here
How can I find a Certified Process Server?
See the current list of certified process servers [external 3rd party link]
I am or want to be a Certified Process Server. How can I pay my Certified Process Server application or renewal fee?
The initial application and the yearly renewal fee are paid through the Clerk's office, either by mail or in person. See our Service Options Page for additional information. 

For further informaiton regarding classes, applications, renewals and fees to be paid, see the Administrative Offices of the Court [external 3rd party link]. 
What is the interest rate for Judgements? 
Interest charged on judgments is set at a rate determined by the Florida Department of Financial Services. Florida Statute 55.03(1) [external 3rd party link] requires the Chief Financial Officer, on December 1 of each year beginning in 1994, to set the rate of interest that shall be payable on judgments and decrees for the year beginning the following January 1.
How can I deposit money to the Court Registry?
Monies are deposited to the Court Registry and released per Florida Statute or court order.
How do I obtain a Clerk's Statement of Available Registry Funds
You can submit a Request for Clerk's Statement of Registry Funds pursuant to Circuit Civil Division Administrative Order via the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, via mail to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, PO Box 3360, Tampa FL 33601, or by delivering it in person to a Clerk office location. Once received, it will be processed by the Clerk and the completed Statement of Available Registry Funds will be served on all parties and filed to the case within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt.
Where do I find information about the Court Registry?
The Court Registry page has information on the Court Registry, depositing funds and releasing funds. 
How do I have a foreign subpoena issued? 
What are the fees and fines associated with this service?
See Circuit Civil Fees for more information.
What are my options for obtaining Circuit Civil customer service from the Clerk's office?
Mail: PO Box 3360, Tampa, FL 33601-3360
Email: Contact us
Phone: (813) 276-8100
In-person: Downtown Tampa, Plant City. See customer service locations. Schedule an appointment online for the Downtown Tampa location to shorten wait times at the Clerk's office. Select Civil Courts - Appt as your appointment service type.