Hills Clerk Seal





Jury Services

Jury Services

If you were summoned to report for jury duty on Tuesday, March 25th, 2025, and have not asked to be excused you are to report as follows:

  • 1 thru 800 report at 8:00 AM
This page will be updated the evening before the next jury report date. This system is in place so we can call the most accurate amount of jurors, based on the specific needs of the judges. Since these numbers fluctuate based on the trial schedule, judges inform the Clerk's office about the number of jurors they will need for their upcoming cases. 

Jury Duty Information

Have you been called for jury duty? Watch this short video. It will answer a lot of your questions about what to expect.

Jury Duty video transcript
Being summoned for jury duty can raise many questions, like where to park and which building to go to. We will answer those questions and more to help make this unique day as easy as possible. 
The day before you are scheduled to report for duty, be sure to visit hillsclerk dot com slash jury to see if you have been excused. You will need the juror number from your summons. If you are still needed, you will need to report to the Edgecomb Courthouse located at 800 E Twiggs St, in Tampa by 8am. 
There is free parking with validation at 2 different parking garages near the courthouse. We cannot provide validation if you park anywhere else. The City of Tampa Parking Garage is located at 901 E. Twiggs St.  This garage is located immediately west of Nebraska. Please note the entrance is only six feet seven inches high. The second parking garage is the Fort Brooke Parking Garage, located at 107 N. Franklin St. The entrance is on Whiting St. Please note the entrance is six feet six inches high. Remember to bring your parking garage ticket with you to the courthouse to get it scanned and validated. 
After parking, you will need to head to the Edgecomb Courthouse. You will want to leave yourself plenty of time to park and get through security so you can be in the jury room by 8am. 
After entering the courthouse you will pass through security. There is a list of banned items on our webpage. Once through security, head to the escalator and take it to the 2nd floor where you will be greeted by our helpful staff. 
Please dress in business casual attire, no shorts or tank tops, please. You should wear comfortable walking shoes. You may wish to bring a sweater or light jacket for your comfort. You are welcome to bring, cellphones, books or laptops with you. 
We hope this video has answered your questions. Once again, thank you for your service. The right to a jury of one’s peers is a cornerstone of our democracy and people like you make a difference.
What should I do before reporting?
  1. Read your summons carefully. The date, time and place to report are printed on it, along with your juror number. If your name or address is incorrect on the summons, cross it out and write-in the correct information.
  2. Contact our office the night before your jury service date AND the day of your jury service, and have your summons in hand showing your juror number. You can either call (813) 276-8100 x4747 (Press 1) or visit to see if you still need to report. If the telephone recording is not in operation, please call the emergency number (813) 272-5300.
What type of clothing is appropriate?
Business casual attire is considered appropriate for men and women.  No shorts or tank tops.  Courtrooms are air-conditioned, so you may want to bring a sweater or light jacket.
Where do I park?

There is free parking for jurors at the following locations:

• City of Tampa Parking Garage, located at 901 E. Twiggs Street [external Google Map link]
• Fort Brooke Parking Garage, located at 107 N. Franklin Street [external Google Map link], with the entrance on Whiting Street.

Both garages can only accommodate vehicles that do not exceed a height of 6 feet 7 inches.

To receive free parking at the garages listed above, you must bring your parking receipt for validation with you when you report. This is your responsibility. Any juror parking at other facilities will not be reimbursed.

NOTE: City of Tampa Parking facilities cannot accommodate motorcycles and scooters. If you ride a motorcycle or scooter en route to perform jury service, you will be responsible for parking at other locations without reimbursement. Click here [external 3rd party link] for HARTLINE bus schedules or call HARTLINE (813-254-4278).
May I be excused for personal reasons?
Review the front of your summons for information on exemptions, postponements or mandatory disqualification.  If appropriate, please fill out A, B, or C and send to: Jury Services, PO Box 3388, Tampa, FL  33601-3388, fax to (813) 272-5568 or emailA Jury Services Representative will notify you only if your request is being denied. If you are not contacted, your request is being granted. A new jury summons will be issued for a later date on all postponements.
Exemptions, Postponements and/or Disqualifications 
A. Exemption/Postponement

- Expectant Mother

- Parent not employed full-time, who has custody of a child under 6
- Full time law enforcement officer or law enforcement investigative personnel
- Person responsible for care of another person who is incapable of caring for himself/herself
- Person 70 years of age or older
- Other - Specify
B. Request for Postponement – Please provide explanation
C. Mandatory – Disqualified
- Convicted felon, civil rights not restored
- Under prosecution for any crime
- No longer residing in Hillsborough County
- Not a U.S. Citizen
- Clerk of Circuit Court or Judge
- Governor, Lt. Governor or Cabinet Officer
I lost my jury summons, how do I get another copy?
Call Jury Services at (813) 276-8100 x 4747. Give your name and date of birth, and a clerk will provide you with all the information you need to report to jury duty. When you arrive for jury duty, inform the clerk that you have lost your summons, and they will print you a duplicate copy.
How long will I be there?
Your service may be for the report date only, from the report date through sometime that week, or, in rare circumstances, from the report date through several weeks. Plan on the entire day for jury service, as there is not a specific time of day that the courts conclude. Make arrangements with family, friends, and/or your employer with regard to this potential time frame.
Will I get paid?
Pursuant to Section 40.24, Florida Statutes, jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation for the first 3 days of juror service.  Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service.  All jurors who serve more than 3 days will be paid $30 per day for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter, regardless of the employment status.
What can I expect when I arrive?
All persons entering the courthouse will be subject to security screening for weapons and other items which may not be brought into the courthouse. Click here for a list of banned items. Cell phones or other electronic devices should be turned off when you are in the courtroom.
Can I bring my laptop to jury duty?
Jurors may bring their laptops and tablets to jury duty and use them in the Jury Auditorium while waiting to be selected for a court trial. We provide free wi-fi for our jurors and mobile device charging stations throughout the auditorium for this purpose. However, once you get selected to serve on a jury trial inside a courtroom, all of those devices must be turned off and put away as they are not allowed to be used while you are in the courtroom.
What do I do if I need special accommodations or have special needs?

If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in order to participate in jury service, please contact the ADA Coordinator for the Hillsborough County Courthouse, 800 E Twiggs St, Room 604, Tampa, FL  33602, (813) 272-5894, at least 7 days before your scheduled jury duty, or immediately upon receiving your jury service notification.  If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.

Breastfeeding jurors can use a lactation room at the courthouse. Visit the Information Booth located on the sixth floor of the Edgecomb Courthouse or the second floor of the Courthouse Annex in order to gain entry.

What are my options for contacting Jury Services?
Mail: P.O. Box 3388, Tampa, FL 33601-3388
Phone: (813) 276-8100, ext. 4747
In person: Downtown Tampa

Generous Jurors Program

If your employer doesn't compensate for jury duty, you can now choose to donate your daily compensation to one of two charities in Tampa Bay.

Juror Scam Alert

All potential jurors for Hillsborough County are contacted by U.S. mail.  We do not contact you by phone and do not ask for Social Security numbers, credit card numbers or other personal information.  Should you receive a phone call saying that you have failed to report for jury service and they ask for personal information, this is a potential theft scam.  DO NOT give out any personal information.

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