Hills Clerk Seal





Family Law/Child Support/Adoption/Divorce

Family Law cases include Dissolution of Marriage (divorce), Annulment, Name Change, Adoption, Delayed Birth Certificates, Child Support, Custody, Paternity and Alimony. The above listed are the most common filings and not inclusive of all matters.

Family Law FAQs

How do I view a Family Law file?

Electronic viewing of many court records, indexes and dockets as well as non-confidential document images is currently available on our Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) site, as authorized by the Florida Supreme Court. Pursuant to Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, access to all electronic and other court records shall be governed by the Standards for Access to Electronic Court Records and Access Security Matrix. At this time Civil Sexual Violence Injunction Cases are not searchable/viewable through HOVER; the case progress dockets are available through this link.

If you are authorized under Florida Rules of Judicial Administration to view a court file but are unable to view it online and/or you need a copy, you may view or pick up a copy of the file at our Tampa Edgecomb or Plant City locations. To allow adequate time for redaction processing, it may take four business days for your file to be available for on-site viewing and/or pick-up. We suggest that you pre-order the file for onsite viewing or pick-up by completing the Order Form for Family Law files.

Where can I obtain blank forms to use in filing for divorce, name change, or custody cases or any other matters associated with Family Law?
You may obtain blank forms for a fee at the Court Business Center located on the 6th floor of the George E. Edgecomb Courthouse. If you have access to a computer and printer, you may download and print free copies of blank forms by clicking here.
How do I file for a divorce or get an annulment?
The Divorce and Annulment page has information on how to file for a divorce and how to get an annulment
How do I file for emancipation?
Emancipation, also known as Removal of Disabilities of Nonage on Minors, is the act by which a minor gains all privileges as an adult. The Clerk does not provide the paperwork to file such a case. You should either contact an attorney or refer to the Florida Statute 743 for information on what to include in the petition. These types of cases are filed in the Family Law Department.
How do I get a copy of my final judgment, and how much is it?
  • Go to  and follow the instructions provided there;
  • Mail your request, along with your payment, to Clerk of Court, PO Box 3360, Tampa, FL 33601-3360.  
    • We charge $1.00 per page of the order and an additional $2.00 if you need the document to be certified.
    • Please make a check or money order payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court and include a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your request. 
  • In person.
How do I get a copy of my final Judgment if my case is confidential? (Example: adoption or termination of parental rights)
In order to obtain copies of a confidential order you must do one of the following:
  • The attorney of record for the petitioner or a pro se litigant with proper ID can come to the office and request copies from the court file.
  • You can download a Petition and Order, requesting the Judge to allow you to obtain copies from your confidential case. There is a $50.00 filing fee to file this motion.


Once you have your Order, please get as many copies you may need at that time. Any future requests will require a new petition filed with the court to obtain more copies.

How do I legally change my name if I am an adult (non-marriage related)?
To change your name legally as an adult, you must petition the court for permission to do so. An adult is 18 years or older in age. The petition must be filed in the county where you live. Fingerprints are required for all name changes, except where a previous name is being restored. If you want to amend a birth certificate with a legal name change, you must send a certified copy of the final judgment from the name change case to the Department of Vital Statistics for the state that recorded the birth certificate. Download this packet of information [external 3rd party link] from the 13th Judicial Circuit Court with all of the information and links to the forms that you will require to begin the process for a legal name change.
How do I find out if I have a court date coming up?
You can follow your case online from our website. You will be able to track all documents filed in your case as well as the Notice of Hearing.
What is the Central Governmental Depository?
The Central Governmental Depository (CGD) is responsible for maintaining support accounts. The term support can be defined as child support, alimony, and monies owed to the State of Florida Department of Revenue for government assistance. The depository keeps the official record of all support activity in these types of cases.

The CGD can receipt support payments, purge payments, and fees associated with support cases.  Additionally, the CGD can accept pleadings for filing, answer questions regarding support, and sell copies of payment histories. The Depository processes all court orders when support has been ordered payable through the Court.

Child Support FAQs
Click here for information about Child Support
Is there a fee charged for alimony payments?
Fees are charged for Non IV-D (those not handled by Department of Revenue) payments. The fee for a Non IV-D alimony payment is 4% of the court ordered amount, but not more than $5.25.
What are the fees associated with this service?
See Family Law Fees for more information. and Child Support Fees for more information.
What are my options for obtaining customer service from the Clerk's office?
Mail: PO Box 3360, Tampa, FL 33601-3360
Email: Contact us
Phone: (813) 276-8100
In person: Downtown Tampa, Plant City, BrandonMake appointment in Tampa.