Hills Clerk Seal





Official Records Public Data Files

Public Data Files


Civil Alphabetical Index
The Circuit Civil (CPRALPH_Circuit_Civil) and County Civil (CPRALPH_County_Civil) Alphabetical Index files provide a cross-referenced index of plaintiff and defendant names for all active and closed Circuit Civil cases which are currently stored online in the Civil Courts database. All plaintiffs and defendants are listed in alphabetical order. Every plaintiff on a case is cross-referenced with the first-named defendant. Every defendant on a case is cross-referenced with the first-named plaintiff.


Circuit Civil


County Civil

RealAuction Mortgage Foreclosure Balances
The RealAuction Mortgage Foreclosure Balances provides a report for all divisions in the Circuit Civil and County Civil departments. It lists all money in escrow.

Registry and Trust Accounts Balances
The Registry and Trust Accounts Balances provides a report for all divisions in the different court areas. It shows registry and trust accounts with credit balances.


Civil Bulk Data Files
The Civil Bulk Data Files reports are for Circuit and County Civil cases filed within the time period of each report. The records are in case number order. The report is run monthly and will be available for one (1) year. The files are in CSV format.

Circuit and County Civil with Return of Service and Garnishment Data
The Circuit and County Civil with Return of Service and Garnishment Data report contains a listing of new Circuit and County Civil cases filed within the reporting period and cases that have had a Return of Service and/or Garnishment documents filed.

Website Security Changes
Beginning February 1, 2019, Hillsborough County Clerk websites will no longer support TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. Only TLS version 1.2 will be supported. If you are using unsupported web browsers, old versions of the browsers or have not enabled your browser to use TLS 1.2 to connect to our records search websites after this date, you will begin receiving error messages.
Why are we disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1?
We are disabling them to ensure that our websites are providing our customers and partners with safe and secure protocols for these connections. This change is enforced throughout the industry to maintain secure connections that encrypt and protect data from malicious data breaches.
Supported Browsers
Most of the latest versions of standard browsers will support TLS 1.2 by default. If you are unsure about whether your browser will support it, you can verify this by using the following website:
Court Calendars
This directory contains Court Calendars for the Traffic, Misdemeanor (County Criminal), and Felony (Circuit Criminal) Departments. Each department has their own sub-directory containing their respective Court Calendars. The Court Calendars are available five days before the scheduled court date with add-on calendars made available one day before the scheduled court date. The files within each department’s directory are categorized by Department Name, Assigned Division, Hearing Type, and Date of Hearing. If the calendar is for Add-On cases, the Hearing Type will be replaced with Add-On.

Criminal Name Index

This sub-directory contains the latest Circuit Criminal and County Criminal Name Index files. These files are refreshed weekly and include all Circuit and County Criminal cases filed after January 1988 or that have had any court action since 1988 to the present date. The files provide an index of defendant names for all Circuit and County Criminal cases, both active and disposed, which are currently stored online in the Criminal Courts database. The grouping order for defendants is alphabetical by the first letter of the defendant’s last name resulting in 26 alphabetical files and one additional file for non-alphabetic values.  

Official Records
Website Security Changes
Beginning February 1, 2019, Hillsborough County Clerk websites will no longer support TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. Only TLS version 1.2 will be supported. If you are using unsupported web browsers, old versions of the browsers or have not enabled your browser to use TLS 1.2 to connect to our records search websites after this date, you will begin receiving error messages.
Why are we disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1?
We are disabling them to ensure that our websites are providing our customers and partners with safe and secure protocols for these connections. This change is enforced throughout the industry to maintain secure connections that encrypt and protect data from malicious data breaches.
Supported Browsers
Most of the latest versions of standard browsers will support TLS 1.2 by default. If you are unsure about whether your browser will support it, you can verify this by using the following website:
Hillsborough County Official Records Index
There are three files produced for every business day. These are the ‘‘D’, ‘P’ and ‘M’ files, described as follows; 1) the ‘D’ file contains all documents recorded in the official records on a given day, as well as any records that were modified that day, 2) the “P” file which contains the related party records and 3) the “M” file which maps the doc codes to the FACC standard doc types. Files are named by type and then by the recording date of the data they contain (in YYYYMMDD format) or by the correction date. The date is followed the number of the exports for the day. It will normally be ‘01’. This is followed by id.29. The document file for recording day Jan 5, 2007 would be D2007010501id.29. At least two months of files are available online at all times.     
Tax Deeds
Website Security Changes
Beginning February 1, 2019, Hillsborough County Clerk websites will no longer support TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. Only TLS version 1.2 will be supported. If you are using unsupported web browsers, old versions of the browsers or have not enabled your browser to use TLS 1.2 to connect to our records search websites after this date, you will begin receiving error messages.
Why are we disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1?
We are disabling them to ensure that our websites are providing our customers and partners with safe and secure protocols for these connections. This change is enforced throughout the industry to maintain secure connections that encrypt and protect data from malicious data breaches.
Supported Browsers
Most of the latest versions of standard browsers will support TLS 1.2 by default. If you are unsure about whether your browser will support it, you can verify this by using the following website:
Citation History DDS
The DAILY Citation_DDS_YYYYMMDD Traffic file includes Civil and Criminal traffic violations. Due to Legislative requirements we DO NOT include ADDRESS information for Criminal citations. The file contains information for citations Added to the Traffic System for the prior day.      
Civil Traffic Name Index
The YEARLY Civil_Traffic_Name_Index_Files does not include criminal traffic violations. This file is created weekly on Saturday, from our Traffic System. The file contains information for Civil Citations Added or Updated in the Traffic System for the specified YEAR. 
Criminal Traffic Name Index
The YEARLY Criminal_Traffic_Name_Index_Files does not include civil traffic violations. This file is created weekly on Saturday, from our Traffic System. The file contains information for Criminal Citations Added or Updated in the Traffic System for the specified YEAR.