The Clerk’s Office is committed to the solicitation of minority businesses or small business enterprises to provide meaningful economic opportunities in the procurement process. To be considered, a minority business or small business enterprise must be certified/registered through the State of Florida, Hillsborough County or the City of Tampa. These programs are designed to seek out and identify minority-owned or small business enterprises that provide a service and/or commodity which is purchased by local public entities and to assist these enterprises in securing business contracts with such entities.
Businesses may register as a minority business or small business enterprise at the following links:
State of Florida - Department of Supplier Diversity
Hillsborough County – Minorities, Women & Small Business
City of Tampa – Equal Business Opportunity
Suppliers under consideration must be identified in any of the following directories: State of Florida, Hillsborough County or City of Tampa Vendor Directories. See links, below, to search these directories:
State of Florida Certified Vendor Directory
Hillsborough County Certified Vendor Directory
City of Tampa Certified Vendor Directory
The Clerk’s Office shall take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority businesses and small business enterprises are given opportunities to compete. Opportunities are offered through direct purchases, other competitive contracts, informal and formal bids or proposals for all purchase types.
Affirmative steps shall include:
- Placing qualified minority businesses and small business enterprises on procurement lists for participation in the solicitation process
- Diversifying the Invitation to Bid and Request for Proposal scoring criteria
- Utilize broad communication and outreach efforts for all purchase types
- Strengthen accountability and transparency with notifications and reporting for procurement activities.
It is the intention of the Clerk’s Office to monitor, evaluate and report on Supplier Diversity efforts as part of the Procurement Department’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Below is the annual diverse spend data collected for the Hillsborough Clerk of Court & Comptroller.