Supplier Diversity: Find Opportunities

We recommend you visit Doing Business with the Clerk for a complete listing of all available bid opportunities with the Hillsborough County Clerk of the Court & Comptroller.
To register as a supplier for the Clerk’s Office, please complete and submit the Supplier Registration Form. You will also need to submit a completed W9 form to accompany the supplier registration form. If your company is a Minority, Women, Small business, Veteran Service Disabled or Veteran owned business, please provide a copy of your certification(s). If you have certification(s) with multiple certifying agencies, please review their expiration date in case it has lapsed. Should you have any questions about the Supplier Diversity program, please email
Hillsborough County offers free Outreach opportunities to help certified minority- and women-owned businesses maximize their potential for subcontracting in Hillsborough County projects. Whether you are a newly certified minority- or women-owned business, or just need a refresher on doing business with Hillsborough County, these training sessions are for you.