Office of Supplier Diversity: Mission and Certifications
What is Supplier Diversity?
Supplier diversity is a proactive business strategy that ensures a diverse supplier base in the procurement of goods and services for any business or organization. Supplier diversity programs add economic value because it encourages the growth and sustainability of diverse businesses.
OSD Mission
The Clerk’s Office is committed to utilizing small-, minority-, service disabled veteran- and women-owned businesses in the procurement of goods and services. The Clerk’s Office continues to actively pursue diverse businesses for contracting opportunities and is committed to serving the surrounding business community through educational and outreach activities.
Recognized Certifications
Any business registered with the Florida Secretary of State is eligible to do business with the Clerk’s Office. However, qualifying small-, minority-, women-, and service disabled veteran-owned business enterprises providing goods or services to the Clerk's Office should be certified by one of the following certifying entities:
- Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC)
- Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
- State of Florida Orrice of Supplier Diversity
- Small Business Administration (SBA) (8A, HUsB Zone)
- Department of Veteran Affairs
- EBO Certification for the City of Tampa
- Hillsborough County Minority, Women & Small Business Certification
Certification Qualifications
Below are general qualifications for certification as a CBE (Certified Business Enterprise), however you will need to contact each organization individually to get specific requirements.
• 51% or more of firm owned by qualifying minority* or woman
• Possess expertise in the field
• Control the business enterprise
• United States Citizen
• Have a net worth of less than $5 million
• Have 200 or fewer full-time employees
• Have a professional license, if required by industry
*Minority groups include African American, American Indians, Hispanics and Asian Americans or as defined by 13 CFR 124.103.