Electronic and paper case files can be viewed at our Tampa and Plant City locations. Paper case files can be ordered through our Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) website. See below for information about how to know if the court file you want to view is in paper format. Paper case files will be held for 10 business days from the date the file was received. If you are not a party to the case, please allow 4 business days to complete the request in order to provide adequate time for the redaction process.
To determine if the court file you want to view is in paper format, first access the court case by performing a Case Search.
Click the to access the Case Information.
Go to the Events/Documents tab:
If you see the button on the Events/Documents tab, this means the court file is in paper format and can be ordered to view at our Tampa or Plant City location.
Click the button to be taken to the form to order the court file.
Select the location where you would like the view the court file at.
Enter your name and email address so that we can notify you when the court file is ready to be viewed at the requested location. Disclaimer: Name and email address, if provided, will be publicly available.
Click the "Order Paper File Viewing" button.
Wait for the email notification once the file is ready to be viewed.
We are currently working on expanding paper file availability and if the is not showing, email uswith the case number so that we can let you know the current location and availability of that file.