County Finance

The County Finance Department is responsible for supporting the Clerk's role as accountant and treasurer for the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) as well as chief financial officer of the County as a whole. County Finance Department responsibilities include the following:

Management Support

  • BOCC budget audit and monitoring
  • BOCC and County Administrator support
  • Oracle ERP system support
  • OnBase document management system support

Countywide Financial Reporting

Bond Issuance, Disclosure and Compliance


  • Investment portfolio management
  • Banking and cash management


  • Bank reconciliations
  • Revenue and receivables accounting


  • Intake of payment requests
  • Processing payments
  • Quality assurance and payment distribution
  • Search BOCC Accounts Payable (A/P) Checks
    - search all payment documents to vendors/suppliers including checks and electronic payments
  • Search BOCC A/P Utility Invoices
    - search utility payment documents including invoices, checks and electronic payments

    If you are a vendor who has questions about your invoice with Hillsborough County we have a new way to contact us. Please call or email us directly. (813) 307-7153,

Grants and Capital Projects

Capital Assets

  • Accounting for capital assets such as equipment, land, buildings, building improvements, and infrastructure
  • Tagging and annual verification of equipment

County Finance FAQs

What is the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)?

The ACFR is the audited annual report of the County. The Introductory section contains Letters of Transmittal, a Management's Discussion and Analysis, and other introductory items. The Financial Section includes "high-level" financial statements of the County as a whole as well as detailed financial statements at the fund level. In addition, the Statistical Section contains trend data and nonfinancial information that provide readers with an additional perspective on the County's financial condition.  You can view current and past ACFRs here.

How does this report differ from the financial reports of large corporations?

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for governmental entities differs from those of commercial business enterprises due to the unique characteristics of governments. Although the two government-wide financial statements and the Proprietary Fund financial statements are similar to the financial reports of commercial business, GAAP require other financial statements in the ACFR to be presented using the modified accrual basis of accounting. See the ACFR's Notes to the Basic Financial Statements, especially Note 1 "Summary of Significant Accounting Policies" for information on GAAP for governmental entities.

Where can I find information on the budget of Hillsborough County?

Budget versus actual data is presented in the CAFR. See the Budget and Actual Statement and Schedules. The County Administrator's Management and Budget Department separately publishes a County Budget document available at: