Beware: Con artists use jury duty to scam people

Citizens across the United States are being targeted by phone calls and e-mails threatening them with arrest or prosecution for failing to comply with jury service in state and federal courts.  Recipients are being pressured to provide money or confidential data, which could lead to identity theft, in order to avoid fines and jail time.

It is the policy of the Clerk of the Court to contact prospective jurors only through a written court summons sent by U.S. Mail.  Jurors are not contacted by telephone, email, text message or any other medium.  Jury Services does not need or ask for your personal information and does not require a monetary payment of any amount. 

If you receive a call requesting personal information or money, immediately call the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (813) 247-8000.

Concerned citizens may also contact Jury Services at the Clerk’s Office at 813-276-8100 ext. 4747 to determine whether or not they have been summoned for jury service.