The Clerk’s Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. Staff will be available to assist you with filing for a restraining order from 7am until 10am at the Edgecomb Courthouse located at 800 E. Twiggs St. Tampa.

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2020 Court Jurisdiction Changes

2020 Court Jurisdiction Changes

The new boundaries follow population patterns rather than geographic or major highways, so it will be important to determine which division will handle a case before it is filed.

Fortunately, there’s an app for that.

The Hillsborough County Clerk of Court & Comptroller created an online tool called the Judicial Division Lookup. It allows anyone with access to a computer or mobile device to determine whether a case should be filed in the east or west division.

You can find the map and instructions here.

“We hope this new tool will make it easier for law enforcement, attorneys and pro so litigants to determine the correct division for any case,” said Doug Bakke, Chief Deputy for Court Operations for the Clerk’s Office. “Our clerks will use the same tool for walk-in customers uncertain about the division they need.”

The changes are the result of an administrative order issued by 13th Judicial Circuit Court Chief Judge Ronald N. Ficarotta.