Start Child Support

How do I start getting child support for my child(ren)?

If you are the custodial parent (the parent that has the children living with them most of the time) for your child(ren), and you want to get child support for your child(ren), you will need to obtain a Judicial Court Order. This can be done by contacting a private attorney or by contacting the Florida Department of Revenue, Office of Child Support Enforcement at (850) 488-5437 or visit their website.  The necessary blank forms can be purchased from the Court Business Center located on the 6th floor of the Edgecomb Courthouse, or you may download and print free copies of the forms here. If you are an eligible, low income resident, you might also qualify for free legal assistance. The Clerk is not permitted to provide any legal assistance or advice.

What services does the Florida Child Support Program provide for parents who need child support?

Depending on the facts of your case, the Florida Department of Revenue Office of Child Support Enforcement can help:

  • Establish paternity
  • Establish an initial support order or change an existing one
  • Parents comply with a support order and create a payment plan when past-due child support is owed.

If you already have a case open, you can get your case information online at Florida Child Support eServices.

How do I open a child support case?

To open a child support case in Florida, you must apply for child support services. You can apply online, visit the local child support office (6302 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite 110, Tampa FL 33619-1166), or call the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement Department and ask for an application to be mailed to you.

If you have applied for or receive Cash Assistance, SNAP (Food Assistance), or Medicaid from the Florida Department of Children and Families, you may already have an open child support case and do not need to apply. Call the Child Support Enforcement Department at (850) 488-5437 to find out more.

My child support order is from another state. Can Florida enforce my out of state child support order?

Out-of-state child support orders can be enforced by the Florida Department of Revenue Office of Child Support Enforcement. Florida will need a copy of your support order. If you do not have a copy, you will need to get a copy or give them enough information about it so that they can request it for you. Florida will also need the non-custodial parent’s residential address, if you know it. If the other parent lives outside of Florida, Florida may need to ask the other state to help enforce the order. Call the Office of Child Support Enforcement at (850) 488-5437 to find out more.

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