Modify a Current Child Support Order

If there are any changes to your status, you might need to petition the court to modify your official child support order.

How do I change a child support order on my own?

Neither the Clerk nor the Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement Department are permitted to give legal advice. If you decide to represent yourself in court and need help, you can:

  • visit our File without an Attorney page; it contains information on how to get forms to file for yourself. If you are a low income resident, you might be eligible for free legal advice.
  • download Forms for free or purchase printed forms from the Clerk
  • find out what the fees will be to file

What happens to the child support order if the mother of my children and I get married or start living together?

The child support order remains in effect, even if you and the other parent live together or marry. You will still be required by the order to pay child support unless you take action to change the order. You should contact the Child Support Enforcement Department and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to update your status.

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