The charges listed are established by Florida Statutes, Hillsborough County ordinances, administrative orders, rules of court procedures and special legislative acts.
NOTE: Some charges include additional fees which are authorized by county ordinances; These may vary from county to county.
Postage: When the Clerk mails documents by Certified or Registered Mail, the party requesting the documents is responsible for the postage cost. |
Photocopying: Any instrument in the Public Record not more than 8.5 by 14 inches, per page |
$1.00 |
Larger than 8.5 by 14 inches, per page | $5.00 |
Verifying any instrument presented for certification if prepared by someone other than the Clerk or Deputy Clerk, per page | $3.50 |
Copying any instrument if not by photocopying, per page | $6.00 |
Making Microfilm copies of any Public Record:
(1) 16mm 100' microfilm roll (2) 35mm 100' microfilm roll (3) Microfiche, per fiche |
Writing any paper Same as for copying, including signing and sealing | $7.00 |
Certifying copies of any instrument in Public Records | $2.00 |
Receiving money into registry of court: |
3% 1.5% $170.00 |
Approving Bond | $8.50 |
Tax Deed sale including application, sale, issuance, and preparation of tax deed and disbursement of proceeds of sale (other than excess proceeds) | $60.00 |
Disbursements of excess proceeds from Tax Deed sale, First $100 or fraction thereof | $10.00 |
Notarizing papers | $10.00 |
Sealing any court file or expungement of any record (cost of copies and certification additional) | $42.00 |
Receiving and disbursing restitution per payment | $3.50 |
Only signing and sealing a subpoena for a witness | $2.00 |
Issuing and filing a subpoena for a witness, not otherwise provided for herein (includes writing, preparing, signing, and sealing) | $7.00 |
Administering oath, attesting, and sealing | $3.50 |
Validating certificates, any authorized bonds, each | $3.50 |
Certificate of transfer of liens to security | $15.00 |
Additional charge for each additional lien | $7.50 |
Exemplified Certificates, including signing and sealing | $7.00 |
Supreme Court forms: paper copies of these forms are available at each Clerk's location or you can download them for free from the Thirteenth Judicial's website [external website link] | Prices range from $5 to $20 |
Issuing a Summons | $10.00 |
NOTE: Filing notice of appeal from County Court to Circuit Court DOES NOT require separate payment
County appeal filing fee | $281.00 |
(Certification of Notice) Payment to Clerk of Court & Comptroller | $2.00 |
Additional Fees may be due for the Preparation of the Appeal Record | TBD |
Cross-Appeal filed on a County Civil case | $295.00 |
Circuit appeal filing fee | $100.00 |
(Certification of Notice) Payment to Clerk of Court & Comptroller | $2.00 |
Additional Fees may be due for the Preparation of the Appeal Record | TBD |
Second District Court of Appeals filing fee. Separate payment to be mailed to the Second District Court of Appeals Clerk. | $300.00 |
Cross-Appeal: Separate payment to be mailed to the Second District Court of Appeals Clerk. | $295.00 |
Preparing and issuing certified statement of delinquency and notice |
$25.00 |
Judgment payoff statement for child support | $25.00 |
Payment History | $1.00 per page |
Civil action exceeding $30,000 or other proceeding in Circuit Court |
$400.00 |
Real Property/Foreclosure claims valued =< $50,000 |
$400.00 |
Real Property/Foreclosure claims valued $50,001 < $250,000 |
$905.00 |
Real Property/Foreclosure claims valued > $250,000 | $1,905.00 |
An additional charge for each defendant over 5, per defendant | $2.50 |
An additional charge to be paid by the party seeking each severance that is granted | $18.00 |
Medical malpractice extension of time | $42.00 |
Additional service charge for garnishment, attachment, replevin and distress | $85.00 |
Additional filing fee for each timeshare estate | $10.00 |
Reopening certain civil actions, suits or proceedings in the Circuit Court | $50.00 |
Cross-claim; Counterclaim; Counterpetition; or Third Party Complaint F.S. 28.241(1)(a)1.b. | $395.00 |
Cross-claim; Counterclaim; Counterpetition; or Third Party Complaint F.S. 28.241(1)(a)1.a. where the value of the pleading is < $50,000 | $395.00 |
Cross-claim; Counterclaim; Counterpetition; or Third Party Complaint F.S. 28.241(1)(a)1.a. where the value of the pleading is < $50,000 < $250,000 | $900.00 |
Cross-claim; Counterclaim; Counterpetition; or Third Party Complaint F.S. 28.241(1)(a)1.a. where the value of the pleading is < $50,000 => $250,000 | $1,900.00 |
Issuing a summons (initial, Alias and Pluries) | $10.00 |
Attorney appearing Pro Hac Vice | $100.00 |
Service charge for receiving proceeds from judicial sales: First $500 | 3% |
Each subsequent $100 | 1.5% |
Writ Habeas Corpus | NO CHARGE |
Writ Certiorari | $400.00 |
Writ Mandamus | $75.00 |
Bond approval | $8.50 |
Lis Pendens and documents relating to Lis Pendens first page | $5.00 |
Each additional page | $4.00 |
NOTE: Claims not exceeding $50,000 and landlord and tenant actions.
Claims less than $100.00 |
$55.00 |
Claims of $100.00 to $500.00 |
$80.00 |
Claims of $500.01 to $2,500.00 |
$175.00 |
Claims of $2,500.01 to $15,000.00 | $300.00 |
Claims of $15,000.01 to $50,000.00 | $400.00 |
Equity, injunctive relief, abandoned property, enforcement of lien, declaratory judgment, unlawful detainer and foreclosure | $400.00 |
Eviction of a tenant | $185.00 |
Replevin lawsuit with simultaneous claim(s) that do not exceed $1,000.00 | $130.00 |
For each proceeding of garnishment, attachment, replevin, and distress | $85.00 |
Additional charge for each defendant over 5, per defendant | $2.50 |
Lis Pendens and documents relating to Lis Pendens first page | $5.00 |
Each additional page | $4.00 |
Fees for re-opening lawsuits: (A) Reopening civil action, suit or proceeding in County Court claim for not more than $500.00 (B) Reopening civil action, suit or proceeding in County Court claim for more than $500.00 (C) Non-monetary cases |
(A) $25.00
Attorney appearing Pro Hac Vice | $100.00 |
Cross-claim, Counter-claim or Third Party Complaint, $2,500 to $15,000 | $295.00 |
Cross-claim, Counter-claim or Third Party Complaint, in excess of $15,000 | $395.00 |
Issuing a Summons (Initial, Alias, and Pluries) | $10.00 |
Domestic Partnership Affidavit Registration | $50.00 |
Amend Domestic Partnership Registration | $25.00 |
Terminate Domestic Partnership Registration |
no fee |
Notary Fee, effective June 1, 2009 | $10.00 |
Adoption (includes sealing fee) |
$400.00 |
Termination of Parental Rights (price includes sealing fee) |
$400.00 |
Delayed Birth Certificate (includes sealing fee) |
$400.00 |
Disabilities of nonage; removed (Emancipation) | $400.00 |
Temporary Custody by Extended Family Member | $400.00 |
Name Change | $414.00 |
Counter Petition | $295.00 |
Dissolution of Marriage | $408.00 |
All other Family Law actions not listed above | $300.00 |
Sealing Fee | $42.00 |
Attorney appearing Pro Hac Vice | $100.00 |
Reopen fee | $50.00 |
Writ of Garnishment issued | $188.00 |
Issuing a Summons (Initial, Alias, and Pluries) | $10.00 |
Issue and filing a subpoena | $7.00 |
Signing and sealing a subpoena | $2.00 |
Certified mailing cost (plus regular postage) | $3.30 |
Court ordered mediation services provided by Circuit Court Mediation Program : (A) Family income greater than $50,000 but less than $100,000 per year. (B) Family income less than $50,000 per year |
(A) $120.00 (B) $60.00 |
Notice of Appeal Check 1 (made payable to "Clerk of Circuit Court") | $100.00 |
Notice of Appeal Check 2 (made payable to "Clerk of District Court of Appeal") | $300.00 |
Writ of Mandamus | $75.00 |
Write of Certiorari | $75.00 |
Expunge/Seal Forms (Also available online or at the Law Library) | $5.00 |
Writs of Habeas Corpus and prohibitions by solvent defendants | NO CHARGE |
HELP Affidavit Registration |
$50.00 |
Amend HELP Registration | $25.00 |
Terminate HELP Registration | no fee |
Notary Fee, effective June 1, 2009 | $10.00 |
Home Solicitation Application and Permit |
$100.00 |
Certificate of Disposition | $7.00 |
Copies | $1.00 |
Certification | $1.50 |
Restitution Processing Fee | $3.50 |
Copies | $1.00 |
Certification | $1.50 |
Adoption Filing Fee | $300.00 |
Adoption Reopen Fee | $50.00 |
County or municipality filing fee - ordinance or special law violations | $10.00 |
Court Costs imposed upon non-prevailing party in county or municipal case | $40.00 |
First-time passport book for ages 16 and older |
$130.00 |
First-time passport book or renewal for ages 15 and younger |
$100.00 |
First-time passport card for adults |
$30.00 |
First-time passport card or renewal for minors | $15.00 |
Passport Acceptance Fee | $35.00 |
Passport Photo | $15.00 |
Summary Administration: Estate valued at less than $1,000.00 | $235.00 |
Summary Administration: Estate valued at $1,000.00 or more | $345.00 |
Formal Administration | $400.00 |
Ancillary Administration | $400.00 |
Opening of any estate of guardianship of one document or more, but not to include issuance of letters or orders of summary |
$231.00 |
Petitions to admit foreign wills, authenticated or exemplified copies of transcripts or records |
$231.00 |
Caveat | $41.00 |
Disposition of personal property, without administration | $231.00 |
V.A. Guardianship | $235.00 |
Guardianship of persons only | $235.00 |
Guardianship of property only | $400.00 |
Guardianship or person and property | $400.00 |
Curatorship and Conservatorship | $400.00 |
Petition to determine incapacity | $231.00 |
Trusts | $400.00 |
Notice of Trust | $41.00 |
Guardianship accounting audit fee: Assets of $25,000 or less | $20.00 |
Guardianship accounting audit fee: Assets over $25,000 to $100,000 | $85.00 |
Assets over $100,000 to $500,000 | $170.00 |
Guardianship accounting audit fee: Assets over $500,000 | $250.00 |
Filing of Guardianship Inventories for all assets exceeding $25,000 | $85.00 |
State documentary stamps are a rate $.70 per $100 of consideration or part on deeds or other instrument conveying an interest in real estate. A 70 cent stamp must be affixed to deeds that have a consideration of $100 or less. |
$.70 |
Rate $0.35 per $100 or fraction thereof on promise to pay. | $.35 |
Intangible tax is a nonrecurring tax of two mills (.002) on the dollar of the just valuation of all notes, bonds, and other obligations for payment of money, which are secured by mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien upon real property situated in the state. | (.002 mills) |
Recording Services and Fees are limited to recording, indexing, and filing any instrument not greater than 8 1/2 X 14 inches. |
First page or fraction thereof |
$10.00 |
Each additional page or fraction thereof |
$8.50 |
Indexing instruments recorded in the official records which contain more than four names, per additional name | $1.00 |
Examining, certifying and recording plats and for recording condominium exhibits larger than 14 inches by 8 1/2 inches; first page | $35.00 |
Each additional page | $19.50 |
Preparing Affidavit of Domicile | $5.00 |
Lis Pendens first page | $5.00 |
Each additional page | $4.00 |
Notary Fee effective June 1, 2009 | $10.00 |
Mail preparation fee | $20.00 |
Driver license reinstatements |
$60.00 |
Driver license suspension clearance |
$7.00 |
Driving Records | |
$14.25 |
$16.25 |
$8.25 |