Hope Cards
The Hillsborough County Clerk’s Office is taking a significant step to enhance the safety of domestic violence victims by issuing Hope Cards, beginning August 23, 2024. These wallet-sized cards are designed to support petitioners who have obtained a final order of protection, making it easier for them to inform law enforcement of their situation quickly and effectively.
The Hope Cards will include essential information such as the petitioner’s name, the respondent’s name, and the date of the restraining order. When law enforcement responds to a domestic violence call, the card serves as a quick reference tool to provide immediate context and enhance the safety of the victim.
Florida Statute 741.311 mandates that the Clerk’s Office provide Hope Cards to petitioners with an order of protection upon request. However, the Hillsborough Clerk’s Office is going above and beyond by automatically providing Hope Cards to all petitioners who have a final protection order, eliminating the need for victims to request one.
Hope Cards will be available both digitally and in paper format and will include the following details:
- The respondent’s name and date of birth
- The name and date of birth of the petitioner or protected person
- Information about the issuing court
- The case number
- The date the order of protection was issued
- The expiration date of the order of protection, if applicable
- The telephone number for the statewide domestic violence hotline
- The date of issuance and the expiration date of the Hope Card
This initiative underscores the Clerk’s Office’s commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of domestic violence victims in the community.