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Traffic Tickets
Civil Traffic Ticket Options
PAY: By paying the civil penalty, you are admitting guilt. The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles will assess points on your driving record (or share the information with the out-of-state authority that issued your driver's license) for moving violations. You have up to 60 calendar days from the date the traffic ticket was issued to pay the entire penalty. There are no options for extending the payment period, as you were already automatically granted a 30 calendar day extension. If you do not pay for the ticket within the 60 calendar days, your penalties will increase and your driver's license may be suspended.
SCHOOL: If you are eligible for, and select, pay for and complete an approved driving school (also known as traffic school or the Basic Driver Improvement Course), adjudication (judgment) is withheld, the cost of the ticket is changed, and the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles will not assess points against your driving record. Your auto insurance cannot be increased and your policy cannot be cancelled if you successfully complete driving school. A course certificate of completion provided by the driving school* must be returned to this Clerk's Office within 60 calendar days from the date that the ticket was issued. There are no options to extend the time you have to complete driving school and pay for the ticket. You might not be eligible for driving school, depending on your driving history. Florida allows the driving school election once in a 12-month period and no more than five times in your lifetime. If you have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) or you were operating a commercial vehicle at the time, you cannot opt for driving school. You cannot opt for driving school if your ticket was for a driver's license, insurance or vehicle registration violation. You must elect driving school within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued; if you fail to elect driving school within that 30 day time frame, you will have to pay the full penalty and be assessed points. If you do not complete and your school* does not submit the school completion certificate to the Clerk by the deadline, your penalties will increase, you will be adjudicated as guilty, and you will be assessed points. If you do not pay the additional penalties from not completing driving school, your driver's license may be suspended until those payments have been received by the Clerk's Office.
COURT: If you decide to challenge the traffic ticket in court, you are making a plea of not guilty. Once you request a court hearing, you give up your right to pay the civil penalty amount and you give up your right to elect the driving school option. If you are found guilty, you might, in some cases, be fined up to $1,000 plus court costs. You will also be responsible for your attorney's fees. You must request a court hearing within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. If you wait until after the 30 calendar days to request a court hearing, you must pay late fees and suspension fees before a court hearing date will be scheduled. If you request a court hearing, you need to let the Clerk's Office know if your address changes -- your hearing notices and court information are mailed to your last known address. If you fail to appear in court on the day, time and location of the hearing, your penalties may increase and your driver's license may be suspended. There is no option to select the court hearing date of your choice; you will be scheduled for the next available date.
NO SELECTION: If you do not make a selection of pay, school or court within 30 calendar days from the date your ticket was issued, the only option available to you is to pay the traffic ticket penalty in full within 60 calendar days from the date your ticket was issued and be assessed points.
Now that you know what your options are with this type of traffic ticket, here are links on how to resolve the ticket.
Mandatory Traffic Ticket Tickets
• Any ticket that indicates serious bodily injury or fatality
• Any speeding ticket 30 MPH or more
• Leaving a child unattended in a vehicle with the motor running
• Passing a stopped school bus on the exit side
• Load dropping from the back of a vehicle or littering over 15 pounds
• No proof of insurance if you own the vehicle and cannot provide proof of insurance
If your ticket has "Infraction. Court appearance required as indicated below.", you will need to report to the court location indicated on the front of the traffic ticket at the bottom.
You will also receive an arraignment hearing date notice via U.S. mail. All notices will be sent to the address listed on the traffic ticket (citation). It is the driver's responsibility to keep the Clerk's office informed of his/her correct mailing address.
Criminal Traffic Ticket Options
Criminal traffic violations include, but are not limited to:
• Driving under the influence
• Driving on a suspended driver's license with knowledge
• Leaving the scene of an accident
• Reckless driving
• No motor vehicle registration
Criminal traffic offenses require a mandatory court appearance. You will be notified via U.S. mail of your arraignment hearing date. There is no option to choose your court hearing date; you will be summoned to the next available court date. All hearing notices will be sent to the address listed on the ticket (citation). It is the driver's responsibility to keep the Clerk updated on the correct mailing address. If you were arrested by the law enforcement officer and have bonded out of jail, your bondsman will be notified of the court hearing date, as well.
Proof of Compliance Ticket Options
PAY: By paying the civil penalty, you are admitting guilt. The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles will assess points on your driving record (or share the information with the out-of-state authority that issued your driver's license) for compliance violations. You have up to 60 calendar days from the date the traffic ticket was issued to pay the entire penalty. There are no options to extend the payment period; you were already automatically granted a 30 day extension for payment. If you do not pay for the ticket within the 60 calendar days, your penalties will increase and your driver's license may be suspended.
SUBMIT PROOF: If your traffic ticket is for improper or faulty equipment and you repair the defect within 60 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued, you can have a law enforcement officer inspect your vehicle to see that the defect was corrected and the officer will then sign the affidavit of compliance portion of the ticket. You must submit this signed ticket to this Clerk's Office within 60 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. Once the affidavit has been validated by the Clerk, you will be instructed to pay a fee and you will have your points waived. If your ticket if for not carrying your driver's license, not carrying proof of insurance, or failing to display your vehicle registration, and your driver's license was valid at the time of the ticket, your insurance policy was in effect at the time of the ticket, and/or your vehicle registration was current at the time of the ticket, you can submit documentation proof to this Clerk's Office within 60 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. Once this proof has been validated by the Clerk, you will be instructed to pay a fee, and you will not be assessed any points. This option is not available if you have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), or if you have elected this option more than once in the past 12 months, or if you have elected this option more than three times in your lifetime.
COURT: If you decide to challenge the traffic ticket in court, you are making a plea of not guilty. Once you request a court hearing, you give up your right to pay the civil penalty amount. If you are found guilty, however, you might be fined up to $1,000 plus court costs. You will also be responsible for your attorney's fees. You must request a court hearing within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. If you wait until after 30 calendar days, you must first pay any late fees and suspension costs before a court hearing date will be scheduled. If you request a court hearing, you must let this Clerk's Office know if your address changes -- your hearing notices and court information are mailed to your last known address. If you fail to appear in court on the day, time and location of the hearing, your penalties may increase and your driver's license may be suspended. There is no option to select the court hearing date of your choice; you will be scheduled for the next available court date.
NO SELECTION: If you do not make a selection (Court within 30 calendar days; or Pay or Submit Proof within 60 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued), the only option available to you is to pay the traffic ticket penalty in full within 60 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued, submit proof that you are now in compliance with the violation, and be assessed points.
Now that you know what your options are with this type of ticket, here are links to those options so that you can resolve this.
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