HELP and Domestic Partnership Registry
The Hillsborough County Health, Education and Life Planning (HELP) and Domestic Partnership Registry (DPR) allows you to select a surrogate to make critical decisions for you when you are incapacitated or otherwise unable to make them yourself. These include decisions on visitation in hospitals or correctional facilities, emergency notification, health care and burial decisions and education decisions for dependent children.
Under the Ordinance, you designate a surrogate in an affidavit, which you can download from our site. You can find the link below. You then have the option of filing the form with the Clerk’s office. This helps ensure your choice is honored countywide.
Health, Education, and Life Planning (HELP) FAQs
How does the registry work?
The registry provides two options.
The first is for people who want to select a relative or perhaps an acquaintance to serve as a surrogate, who is referred to as their “support person.“ For example, two senior citizens who don’t have nearby family members may want to designate each other as support persons. The HELP Affidavit allows them to specify what rights and powers they want to assign each other.
The second option is for unmarried couples, either same-sex or heterosexual, who are in a committed relationship and share a mutual residence. They can fill out a Domestic Partnership Registration Affidavit. This form automatically grants each partner a number of rights including visitation in hospitals or correctional facilities, emergency notification, health care and burial decisions, and education decisions for dependent children.
What is the purpose of the HELP Registry?
Where and how do I register?
The Health, Education and Life Planning (HELP) Affidavit is available on the Clerk's website and in the Clerk's offices. Registrations will be accepted during normal business hours.
The Clerk of the Court has set the registration fee at $50.00 which must be submitted at the time of registration. Completed, notarized Health, Education, and Life Planning (HELP) affidavits can be mailed, along with the registration fee, to Clerk of the Circuit Court Attn: Official Records, P.O. Box 3249, Tampa, FL 33601. Registration can also be completed in person at one of the above locations by both partners with proof of identification and two witnesses. Additional notary fees will apply.
What is the difference between the two HELP affidavits?
What will we receive showing that we have registered?
How does it work?
There are two affidavits you can download from the Hillsborough County Clerk’s website. Choose the one that is right for you. The filing fee for either form is $50.00.
Option#1 is the HELP affidavit. It is designed mainly for relatives or acquaintances. This affidavit allows you to specify which powers you want to grant your surrogate, known as your “support person.’’ For example, you may want to give him the power to make medical decisions for you, but not the power to make education decisions for your children.
Option #2 is the Domestic Partnership affidavit. This is for unmarried couples who are in a committed relationship, share a residence and are financially co-dependent. It automatically grants an array of rights, including hospital and correctional facility visitation, medical decisions, burial decisions, and education decisions for dependent children.
Instructions on how to fill out the forms and register them are on the Hillsborough County Clerk’s website.
Will other people be able to see my affidavit on the Clerk's website?
What is the benefit of filing the affidavit with the Clerk?
Do I have to put my address or phone number on the affidavit?
Can domestic partners use the HELP Affidavit instead of the Domestic Partner form?
What if I am married or contemplate marriage?
What if I want to rescind the affidavit?
What are the fees associated with this service?
What are my options for obtaining customer service from the Clerk's office?
Mail: P.O. Box 3249, Tampa, FL 33601-3249
Email: Contact us
Phone: (813) 276-8100
What is Domestic Partnership?
Each person is at least eighteen (18) years of age and competent to contract;
Neither person is married, nor is a partner in a domestic partnership relationship or a member of a civil union with anyone other than the co-applicant;
They are not related by blood as defined in Florida Law;
Each person considers himself or herself to be a member of the immediate family of the co-applicant and jointly responsible for the maintenance and support of the domestic partnership;
Applicants reside together in a mutual residence;
Each person declares the co-applicant to act as his/her healthcare surrogate as provided in Chapter 765, Florida Statutes and, if determined incompetent, to act as their preneed guardian pursuant to Chapter 744, Florida Statutes and
Each person declares the co-applicant as his/her agent to direct the disposition of their body after death;
Each person agrees to be jointly responsible for each other’s basic food and shelter;
Each person agrees to immediately notify the Clerk’s Office, in writing by filing an Affidavit of Termination, if the terms of the Registered Domestic Partnership are no longer applicable or if one of the domestic partners wishes to terminate the domestic partnership
Where and how do I register?
The Domestic Partnership Registration Affidavit is available on the Clerk's website and in the Clerk's offices. Registrations will be accepted during normal business hours.
The declaration of registered domestic partnership is required to be signed by both domestic partners under the pains and penalties of perjury, signed by two (2) witnesses and notarized. The Clerk of the Court has set the registration fee at $50.00 which must be submitted at the time of registration.
Completed, notarized Domestic Partner affidavits can be mailed, along with the registration fee, to Clerk of the Circuit Court Attn: Official Records, P.O. Box 3249, Tampa, FL 33601. Registration can also be completed in person at one of the above locations by both partners with proof of identification and two witnesses. Additional notary fees will apply.
What will we receive showing that we have registered?
What happens if I am currently registered with the City's Domestic Partnership Registry and do not re-register with the County?
What are the rights and legal effect of registered domestic partnership?
To the extent not superseded by federal, state or other county law or ordinance, and to the extent not contrary to rights conferred by contract or separate legal instrument, a Designating Person who has designated a Support Person in accordance with this Section below, shall be deemed to have conferred upon the Support Person the following rights with respect to the Designating Person, unless the Designating Person indicates otherwise under Health Care Decisions, below:
Is my Affidavit of Domestic Partnership, or other documents filed related thereto, a public record once filed with the Clerk of Court?
Can I amend my registration if a name or dependent changes after the initial registration Affidavit is filed?
What happens if my domestic partner and I break up or our partnership ends?
What if I am married or decide to get married after I register?
Married residents are not eligible for the Domestic Partnership Registry but are eligible for the HELP Registry.
The Hillsborough County Domestic Partnership Registry was established to provide benefits for unmarried residents. Unmarried residents who are registered in Domestic Partnership Registry and decide to marry in the future should file a notice of Domestic Partnership termination in the registry at the time of marriage.
The Hillsborough County HELP Registry, for designating who will make decisions for you in the event that you cannot make them for yourself, is available for all residents.
How does it work?
There are two affidavits you can download from the Hillsborough County Clerk’s website. Choose the one that is right for you. The filing fee for either form is $50.
Option#1 is the HELP Affidavit. It is designed mainly for relatives or acquaintances. This affidavit allows you to specify which powers you want to grant your surrogate, known as your “support person.’’ For example, you may want to give him the power to make medical decisions for you, but not the power to make education decisions for your children.
Option #2 is the Domestic Partnership Affidavit. This is for people who are in a committed relationship, share a residence and are financially codependent. It automatically grants an array of rights, including hospital visitation, medical decisions, burial decisions, and education decisions for a child. Instructions on how to fill out the forms and register them are on the Hillsborough County Clerk’s website.
What is the benefit of filing the affidavit with the Clerk?
Do I have to put my address or phone number on the affidavit?
Can domestic partners use the HELP Affidavit instead of the Domestic Partnership form?
What is the difference between the city of Tampa's Domestic Partner Registry and the Hillsborough County Domestic Partner Registry?
As far as rights granted, there is little difference. The county registry provides visitation rights in Hillsborough County correctional facilities. The city’s registry is now recognized countywide, so if you sign up with the city’s domestic partnership registry, your rights are guaranteed anywhere in Hillsborough County. However, the City's domestic partnership registration cannot be transferred into the County's registry. Therefore, your registration may not be easily located and verified in the event of an emergency. There is an opportunity for individuals currently registered with the City of Tampa registry to transfer to the county registry.
The Hillsborough County registry allows you to download the appropriate form from the county Clerk’s website and mail in the witnessed and notarized form for a recording fee of $50. Registrants will receive wallet cards identifying them as members of the Hillsborough County Domestic Partnership Registry.
For those who are already registered with the City, the Clerk will allow you to register with the County and will waive the $50 fee if the documents are received by May 15, 2015.
What if I want to rescind the affidavit?
What are the fees associated with this service?
What are my options for obtaining customer service from the Clerk's office?
Mail: P.O. Box 3249, Tampa, FL 33601-3249
Email: Contact us
Phone: (813) 276-8100