Hills Clerk Seal





Expungement and Sealing

Expungement and Sealing

The Clerk's Expungement and Sealing Unit (ESU) assists with the process of requesting the sealing or expungement of your criminal history record(s). "Expungement" is defined as removed from the public records per F.S. 943.0585 [external 3rd party website]. "Sealed" is defined as restricted access based on F.S. 943.059  [external 3rd party website] or a court order. If you have questions or concerns about these forms, instructions, or your legal rights, it is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney. If you do not know an attorney, you may contact the Hillsborough County Bar Association Legal Referral Service [external 3rd party website]. Expunging a criminal record from public records will not remove them from other non-Clerk databases that may already contain those records; you will need to contact the administrators of those databases directly to request removal of the expunged records from their systems.


Attorneys filing through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal are not to submit them through the Proposed Documents link in the portal. Clerk staff will submit all required documents to the respective Circuit or County court administrative judge for review. 

Expungement and Sealing FAQs

How do I request the expunction or sealing of my criminal case?

You need to first obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement  [external 3rd party website].

  • The FDLE site is very informative and provides you with downloadable forms. 
  • A certified copy of the disposition of the charge(s) to which the petition to seal/expunge applies to must be submitted.
  • Request certified copies of a disposition here.


Once you have a Certificate of Eligibility, you can complete the applicable Petition to Seal/Expunge, Sworn Statement and Order

  • The information necessary for completing these forms will be indicated on the Certificate of Eligibility which you obtained from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. 
  • The format of these forms is taken directly from the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure  [external 3rd party website]. 
  • These forms are provided as a convenience and you may need to modify the forms to fit your situation.


Pursuant to Florida Statutes  [external 3rd party website] and local Administrative Order [external 3rd party website] all costs, fines, and fees must be paid in full prior to your petition being considered by the court. Review your case to determine any outstanding costs, fines or fees due. The Expungement and Sealing Unit (ESU) will review your file and determine the costs associated with the sealing or expunging of your record.


After you have obtained your Certificate of Eligibility and have completed the above forms, print and sign all of the required documents.

  • Notarization is available for $10.00 per document. 


Submit the original certificate and signed forms to the ESU Department of the Clerk of the Circuit Court with all monies due.

  • Please note that PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT be accepted for payment of these fees.
  • Deliver your paperwork and payment in person to the Clerk of the Circuit Court at one of our locations or by US mail to Clerk of the Circuit Court ATTN: ESU Dept.  P.O. Box 3360, Tampa, FL 33601-3360.
  • Please indicate the service needed is for (ESU) Sealing or Expunging.
  • You must also send a complete copy of your petition to the Office of the State Attorney [external 3rd party website] and the arresting agency.


To email ESU, click here

What are the fees associated with Expungement and Sealing services?

Expungement and Sealing Fees

Expungement or sealing of court record
Document copies per page
Certified copies per document certification
Please contact (813) 276-8100, ext. 3800 to find out the total amount due for processing fees and any outstanding fines, fees or court costs.
NOTE: Acceptable forms of payment are cash, money order or cashier's check. Personal checks will not be accepted for payment of these fees.
What are my options for obtaining customer service in the Clerk's office?
Mail:  PO Box 3360, Tampa, FL 33601-3360
Email: Contact us
Phone:  (813) 276-8100
How do I file petitions to seal or expunge criminal history records by mail or in person?
How do I file petitions to seal or expunge criminal history records through the E-Portal?
How do Human Trafficking Victims file petitions to seal or expunge criminal records?