Government Career Fair

Cindy Stuart's Government Career Fair

Government Career Fair

The office of Cindy Stuart, Hillsborough County Clerk of Court and Comptroller, is sponsoring the second annual Government Career Fair on June 14, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Chillura Courthouse Square. The Clerk’s Office is excited to meet and provide opportunities for job seekers as we seek the best and brightest job candidates in our community. Attendees will have the chance to get connected with recruiters from top government agencies and partners in the area.

Please come prepared with a resume to connect with prospective employers, and dress for success!

Parking can be found at Pierce Street Garage (319 North Pierce Street, Tampa, FL 33602). If you require validation for parking at Pierce Street Garage, please pre-register using this form. Pre-registration will close on June 12th.

There are also pay meters surrounding the park. Parking validations will not be offered for street parking. 

Can't attend? We'd still love to hear from you! Visit our jobs portal at to submit an application.

Government Career Logos

Agencies and partners attending:

Hillsborough Clerk of Court and Comptroller

Hillsborough County BOCC

City of Plant City

Office of the State Attorney 13th Judicial Circuit

Office of the Public Defender 13th Judicial Circuit

Hillsborough County Property Appraiser

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

City of Tampa

PORT Tampa Bay

Camelot Community Care Case Management

Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART)

Hillsborough County Tax Collector

Temple Terrace

Administrative Office of the Courts 13th Judicial Circuit

Children's Board of Hillsborough County


NOTE: In the Event of Rain, our Backup Location is the County Center Lobby at 601 E. Kennedy Blvd (Across the Street from Chillura Park).